
Minimum 0.25 second delay between moves, good idea?

As I've moved up in rating and started playing players in the ~2200 range, I've noticed that some of them are RIDICULOUSLY fast when the clock gets down to a second or two.

What if there was a minimum 0.25 second delay (one quarter of one second) for each move? I feel this would prevent a lot of problems, and prevent people with slow internet connections from being at such a disadvantage.

"Slow" in the context of blitz chess could mean someone has a few MILLISECONDS more ping than another player, and that could make all the difference. Adding a quarter second delay would instantly negate this problem, no?

I know this is a common complaint, and I understand that the clock is part of the game of chess. But I've played people who made 20 moves in less than 1 second. I feel like that's kind of ridiculous.


(This might not be a good idea for bullet chess, but in 5-minute chess it seems reasonable to me.)
I don't see how this world level the playing field for people with slow connections because they would also be affected by the 0.25 second delay.
It's basically the same technique that websites use to prevent hackers from guessing passwords. You can only try to login so quickly (otherwise a computer could try every password 1 million times per second).

With a 0.25 second minimum move time, no matter how fast someone's internet connection is, they can't play more than 4 moves if they have 1 second left on the clock. Or 8 moves if they have 2 seconds, etc.

No matter how fast they move, no matter how many pre-moves they make, there would be a reasonable limit.

Now, you might think, "Wouldn't this make it WORSE for people with slow connections?"


A quarter second delay isn't very much, it affects both players equally, and your internet connection would have to be SO BAD that your lag is more than a quarter of a second for it to have any effect at all.

(Remember that this is a minimum 0.25 seconds per move, not an additional delay on top of whatever time is already taken. If your moves naturally take a quarter of a second, this wouldn't affect you.)
My bullet rating would go up, so I support it
I think I'm explaining this poorly. Here's a better analogy.

The server could just PRETEND that everyone has an equally lagged internet connection of 250 ms.

Does that make more sense?
That pretty much takes the premove away, and its actually a nice feature. Gives you a chance to win some games you would definitely lose otherwise. Just leave it as is, its just better that way. You even get time compensation for the lag you have up to 1 second, so no real issue here unless you just aren't able to move fast
Re: Link

It doesn't take away pre-moves, it only takes away INFINITE pre-moves.

Normal pre-moves work fine: if you have 10 seconds left, you can play 40 moves, for example.

In my humble opinion, if your strategy to win is to play more than 40 moves in the last 10 seconds of a game, you aren't actually "playing chess," but rather playing some sort of weird reflexes challenge.

My point is that 4 moves per second is plenty fast enough to play "real chess" even at blitz speeds. 4 moves per second is faster than even BULLET speeds.

But at the same time, a quarter second delay is enough to prevent someone from infinitely moving and flagging someone with a slower internet connection in the final seconds of a game.

I think this would improve speed chess to be more about chess.

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