
Draw by repetition in the antichess variant.

Hey all!
There is an annoying phenomena that drives me insane.
Lower ranked players will repeat their moves in a game of antichess so that the opponent will make mistakes leading to their victory.
Look at this game for example:
Move 10-12, the guy just kept repeating his moves waiting for me to make a move that gives me a worst position. He does that because he is lower ranked than me so in a case of a draw by repetition he still gets his rating up and I get mine down.
This is clearly unfair and I have seen this more than once in games I have played in.
Take care of this.
And el_gomosek2000 you know exactly what you are ;-)
I totally agree with you, but it is your fault for playing lower rated players. You join a game with them knowing the stakes. Anyway, I don't see why repetition of moves isn't reasonable; In regular chess, the person who has no better move to play repeats him move over. Same can apply to antichess. Maybe the best move is simply just developing and underdeveloping the piece. I see your argument and support it, but its unreasonable to stop repetition
The high ranked players never play the variant.
Look at the top 10 list for antichess.
All of the people there haven't played in a very long time and are just hogging the list.

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