
Left handed Chess player vs Right handed Chess player, is our thinking different ?

I don't think about left side/right side, when developing and playing. I think about King side/Queen side. I'm right handed :]
@TheRightWing Very interesting ideas about being in the minority as opposed to the majority lending itself to certain endeavours as you pointed out in your post.
And yes i agree that too many people ignore their strengths, which as you allude to in your post more South paws tend to gravitate towards art etc because they feel perhaps unique more than the majority on account of their handedness.

So my dear friend, how can this all influence Chess?

What can we see in art? We can see precision too, but chaos as well, art is not a constant way to express ourselves, it's a revolutionary thing, a creative way of expression, therefore I believe that left-handed people who play chess, tend to try new things more often than right-handed people, so, I suppose that right-handed people are less likely to do great changes and are more prone to stick to the established order within the subject, those maybe making them more solid, while great changes are very risky, sometimes we find progress or regression in them.

If there is a piece of truth, if you truly wish it, maybe you could someday revolutionize the path of blitz chess, who knows, if you're inspired enough, nothing is going to stop you.
@Subomega Thankyou for response to the question.
I agree that people use many parts of the brain in Chess to make decisions , not just left or right.

And as for your counter question about how someone who is scared of height compares to the average person in the likely outcome of a street fight, I can only assume it depends where the supposed fight were to take place ,i mean if someone is not scared of height they may like to fight on a high overpass as opposed to the likely preference of the person who is scared of height to fight on the average low lying street area i guess.
@TheRightWing Very well said, I take too many risks in Chess but then i'm a year in , in my Chess development so must take risks in order to learn something at this point in time.

Blitz Chess is perfectly safe from any of my possible influence ,as i don't feel ready as yet to attempt fast paced Chess as i have far too much to learn as yet.
@Skittle-Head I agree , i think of King side and Queen side also.

But i maintain that there's something to be said for how Left handed people and right handed people possibly think differently in their Chess games.
@Mrchess78 In the past "left handed people" were regarded as "sinister" A religious superstition. And of course left handed people must live in a world mostly made for right handed people. :]

So we can deepen the subject further.

Look what happened to the classical format, to the 60 min + time control format, it became monotonous, it became repetitive, it became tedious to assimilate, establishment after establishment, permanently molding the game to a static chunk, no matter how progressive or conservative you're, it's a hard chunk to diggest for both sides.

Mikhail Tal, a memorable chess player with great revolutionary aspirations, he went against the stream, crushing waves of supposed consistency during his days, when he played, he instinctively knew what to move as next, some believe that the majority of his moves were more instinctively than rather calculative.

Today, his playstyle wouldn't survive, unless we're talking about blitz chess, good luck, I don't want to bother you, see you.
I would think that if there is a difference, it would be far more pronounced over the board than for online play.

Also, I doubt there would be much difference at all at the master level.
R Crumb was left handed and that left hand could produce a cartoon character like no effort was involved. Dory Previn has a delightful song about starting out left handed but the nuns at the school cured her of it, and now she's fine, just fine, really --- only she wonders what her left hand might have produced had it not been suppressed.

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