
Keep getting reconnect message

Tonight, I keep getting the Reconnect message on Lichess (web version). I appear to have an excellent connection, and yet I keep getting this error, which also means that my pairing requests fail each time it happens.

It's possible that it's a problem on my end, but it never happened before and everything else works fine (videos, streams, etc).
Me too i send message to ask what is problem every few second reconnect
I have the same problem and it never happens with any other web site or any other application
It is as if lichess has to "connect" to different sites
Since this only started happening for me today, it would be good to know if the other people are only experiencing this issue today or if it's been happening for some time.
This seems to be specific to windows and Chrome. I cannot reproduce on mac and it may be fine if you use a different browser. I also just heard somewhere else that it's a known issue and should get fixed soon hopefully.
Thanks for reporting. We deployed an experiment for Chrome and Firefox on Windows today 12:10 UTC, but it looks like it ran into some rate limits. Reverted and should be back to normal now.

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