

could any one please tell me why there is a option for giving the opponent an extra 15 seconds when playing ?
do you get extra rating points if you win ?
No. That would be bad (extra points thing).

Giving them time is something nice people do. Say you're playing a friend and they're low on time. Give them some. Or maybe they have to go to the washroom. Give them a minute or two.
My first recollection with the Lichess community was playing a classical time control where I dropped a piece right out of the opening. I fought like crazy to stay in the game, and it came down to a hyper-tactical endgame.

My opponent gifted me a few minutes just because he wanted to see the position played out to it's rightful conclusion.
What's weird is...I somehow sensed that he would.

Every now and again, chess fanatics like my opponent that day, find themselves in games that are so exceptionally interesting, that they will give their opponent a few minutes out of respect for the level of 'chess-spirit' or 'chessyness' that's contained within the position.

"This is a once-a-year position, it would be a shame to have a time-blunder end it early. Here's a few more minutes. Let's play this through and see how it turns out. Thank you for sharing this game with me today." - Natural Born Chessplayer
Okay thx guys, I was just curious, was just wondering why the option was there that's all. I've never had it happened to me but like you say its happens quite rare I guess.
So its just whether the opponent is being generous or interested about the position then ?

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