
Big upgrade

Moar bugz:
3. Context sensitive descriptions don't have enough room to display .. should wrap or be shortened

4. After a while, (10 minutes ish) cancelling out of waiting for a game surfaced a 404 error
^^ specifically the Games menu
@Anonymous The players are shown in the board order. Player shown first plays on top, second one on bottom. But yeah I wonder if I will restore the explicit color indications.
What do you call "Context sensitive description"? Where can I see one?
You waited for 10 minutes?? Jeez, there must be a problem.

@Syndicato I do not abandon lichess, I was just incredibly busy recently. It's better now, so I can give my favourite pet project some love :)
About the summary, yeah I should do that... I was a bit lazy about it, and I always feel like I forget things.

Well here is a list of changes I remember:

- Spam detection in forum and private messages
- redesign of top menu
- 4 new translations, 12 updated translations (thanks contributors!)
- fifty moves rule
- draw on insufficient material
- "remember me" feature (no need to login every day anymore :)
- move color choice to the game configuration, allow to choose random color
- better "who is online" feature, applied on all website
- performance improvements
- more tests (makes the game more stable)
- increased randomness of crafty moves (still not good enough)
- fixed chess960 castling bug (
- make game informations more readable (IMO)
- better private message notification
- rematch chess960 keeps previous pieces position
- translated dates

And lots, lots of code refactoring.
Hover over the Games menu... i think its, "See the games being played in real time" but See is cutoff (at least in Chrome)
Yes I get the same problem in Firefox with the menu being cutoff by a chessboard. But it disappears quickly.
I see... sadly shorten it is not an option. Having 45 translations makes think twice when it comes to change texts.
Thank you thibault new site look is very cool but but the blu color isn t very nice maybe could go back to gray
Oh no, thibault - don't get me wrong! I'm not making it out as if you have/had abandoned lichess - it simply felt that way. Thankfully I was proven wrong though!

As I said before - thanks for your recent infrastructure upgrade (a timely one at that), and congratulations on continuing the legacy of a wonderful site. Sorry for the confusion.

Also; don't feel pressured to bring out a full inventory of all of the changes that you've implemented in this update (or in future updates, for that matter). Only if you have the time!
Moar bugz:
- "Remember me" feature still doesn't seem to work
- Summaries in forum feeds are badly chopped, could be nice to make them lil' bit longer and add "..." in the end to denote they were trimmed, or perhaps, don't trim it in the first place
- your email address is displayed twice on 404 error page
- there's still an "empty space" issue (i wrote about it before) on /inbox/new when username suggestion box is active

very good; especially glad the spam is gone

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