
Lag compensation

After playing some ultrabullet games some days ago one of my opponents accused me of ‘abusing lag compensation’ and that i was somehow cheating by doing so. I live quite a ways from France and even on fibre i can hope for 150 ping at the least. I haven’t played ultrabullet since, is it really an unfair advantage that i was lagging?
I read a blog post 2 years ago where lichess completely discarded this concept of lag compensation. Not sure about the exact technicalities of why lag compensation does not really hold water but I'm sure that they flagged it untrue.
but even if we assume there is lag compensation, how is it an advantage? Doesn't make sense to me.
Because let's say an opponent in the US has 95ping and yours is 180. and let's say lichess improves(compensates) your lag to about 150 there , how is that unfair because lichess is taking into account the variations of connection technologies around the world. Sort of equalises the playing ground so that the games are decided on playing skill and not network.
i really don't see how its unfair, i mean if it weren't for lag compensation, you would probably get flagged in every single game if you have bad network, and taking advantage of lag compensation, really?
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See the "Lag compensation improvements" section from for the latest status on this.

There is lag compensation, but it is not an unfair advantage. You get extra time to think about the position while you're waiting for your opponents move to arrive, but so will they, when you send your move over the same connection.

There is one potential issue, though. You may be used to this latency, but maybe your opponent almost always plays against people with a low latency connection. So it could be a change of pace for them. To mitigate that, there's a lower lag compensation cap in fast time controls.
It is not every move as well, after a few moves i enter into a premove time loss (i live in hawaii) , and lose .2 for premoving, and lose 1.4 or so if I don't premove but move instantly after my opponent
Of course, it's a cheat. You have to experience how damn painful and disgraceful is to play a bullet or ultra bullet game against a lagger. While your clock is running down at the right pace, the lagger clock is going backward and forward on time. At the end of the game, the player with no lag has to play pre-move all the time because otherwise there's no chance. It's utterly unfair and a clear disadvantage for the player with a good IC. You laggers should have no access to such kinds of games.

For your opponents, play bullet and ultra vs you is a nightmare.

So yes, it's a cheat, but it's allowed, so ... what can we players with a good IC do? Just complain? No, I quit a long time ago from complaining. But be sure of one thing, you laggers cheat in every single bullet or ultra bullet game.

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