
Create a new Law

@derpydrag0nite said in #26:
> been chatbanned before, this is not what happens
> sync your computer clock
Thank you. It didnt bother me overly much since people still had the ability to respond to me when i post, but it was strange. Appreciate the help.
if (pinapple is put on pizza) {pizza disappears}
I would probably finally enact the Flag Desecration Amendment. As for a fun one, Unrestricted net neutrality.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #34:
> It is? Dang. Then I bought a python snake for nothing.

Actually it's legal to release a python on someone if they were caught cheating on But be careful, because if it turns out they weren't actually cheating, you get banned from Yeah, I know, it's a weird law.
Some topless laws that exists in Spain should be applied in my country (Brazil) aswell...
You should be able to tan your breasts if you want to XD

Another one? I would create laws for chess to be a part of the school teaching. At least the basics, so the student can leave the school knowing how to play the game anytime.

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