
Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?

@GriffinDaBeast said in #11:
> trying to combine logic and god is just illogical

lol, if God created everything (which is a very very logical conclusion), then He also must have created logic. Therefore, there is no problem with combining God and logic.
@dstne said in #12:
> lol, if God created everything (which is a very very logical conclusion), then He also must have created logic. Therefore, there is no problem with combining God and logic.

İn my opinion,God didnt create everything,God created the universe and living things including us,we humans have created lots of things also that is not Gods creation we invented art and sports and literature etc.God set out the rules and princibles of the universe and left us to ourselves,some say its a test,i think its more like a gift,life is a gift ,sadly we are messing up big time with nonsense wars and greed,like brothers and sisters constantly fighting each other and upsetting their parents
@Oportunist said in #13:
> İn my opinion,God didnt create everything,God created the universe and living things including us,we humans have created lots of things also that is not Gods creation we invented art and sports and literature etc.God set out the rules and princibles of the universe and left us to ourselves,some say its a test,i think its more like a gift,life is a gift ,sadly we are messing up big time with nonsense wars and greed,like brothers and sisters constantly fighting each other and upsetting their parents

I don't see how we created anything, because creating by definition means to make something out of nothing. We don't have the ability to create matter, so I would say that we didn't create anything. We only made things out of what God created. I think life is a gift, but we have already messed up the world with our sin. I would also call the world (and life) a test, because God sent us here with a purpose that we failed to accomplish. So God made a way for us to succeed by sending His Son (Jesus) to die for us. This allows us to then be forgiven of our sins and be reconciled to God, if we only humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness.
We are created. By God almighty. Allah created everything, the entire universe, humans, angels, jinns, animals and plants, everything.
We humans and the jinns are created for one purpose; To worship God and God alone.
We make things out of what God created. We cannot just spawn something out of nothing, only Allah can do that.
Life is a test. God gave humans and jinns with an independent mindset, as a test. Wether you succeed or fail to worship God alone is on your decisions.
We must do as good as possible and avoid as much bad as possible in this life, and never despair of the mercy of God. And maybe if God wills, he will forgive my sins.
A poem,soccer,buildings,cars,they are all our creation in my view.if we sinned we can change our ways and ask for forgiveness,jesus doesnt have to die for our sins so we be forgiven,its irrelevant,i dont understand the connection of God forgiving us and jesus taking responsibility for our sins and dying for us so we be forgiven ,İ dont think God needs jesus for that.if he wishes to forgive he will just forgive us To @dstne
@WassimBerbar said in #15:
> We are created. By God almighty. Allah created everything, the entire universe, humans, angels, jinns, animals and plants, everything.
> We humans and the jinns are created for one purpose; To worship God and God alone.
> We make things out of what God created. We cannot just spawn something out of nothing, only Allah can do that.
> Life is a test. God gave humans and jinns with an independent mindset, as a test. Wether you succeed or fail to worship God alone is on your decisions.

God knows everything abaut all of us,God knows how each of us would do in the test already,God doesnt need a test to judge us ,He knows us better than anyone allready .For our sins,some we get punished in life,some in the afterlife,Life is a gift,the greatest gift anyone can have
@Oportunist said in #17:
> God knows everything abaut all of us,God knows how each of us would do in the test already,God doesnt need a test to judge us ,He knows us better than anyone allready .For our sins,some we get punished in life,some in the afterlife,Life is a gift,the greatest gift anyone can have
Very interesting question.
God knows everything, so he knows how we would do in the test. The thing is, you don't know what God knows. Maybe you will do good more than bad, it's according to you. You have the ability to change your decisions, contrary to angels and animals. You have an independent soul, animals don't.
The teacher when he gives exam papers, he already knows the answers. It's up to you if you answer correctly and make the correct decisions or make mistakes.

And life is also a gift, and a test. It's up to you if you are thankful for what God gave you or not.

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