
How to improve playing fast?

i mess up.
A: Kb1, a2, b2, c4.
B: Kc2, a3, b2, c4.

In short with structure A: You have so many defending options you do not have to spend time thinking how to defend because when the attack is near you can always defend because you have multiple defending options.

So much calculation time saved at the cost of 2 tempi.
@TheTap I only try to help you :) You can elaborate it of course.

If you have practiced chess for +30 years, it means that you are not a child. Then the unique way to progress is with a chess coach, be sure of this. In fact, although you could train with a coach it wouldn't be an easy way, you should work regularly and it would be hard. This is the truth. I don't like it but there aren't other ways.

This is the reason because only a few adults can improve their rating. (Only improve the players who train and work hard). Just play games is not enough.

If you are an 1800-1900 chess player it means you've got a general knowledge of many concepts but you don't know them perfectly how you should. You should learn advanced concepts of middlegames and endgames and review the basic ones.

Maybe I wouldn't be your first choice but if you have tried many things and they didn't work maybe it's due you aren't finding properly :)

But trust me that if you want to improve you need a chess coach and learn chess seriously. I give results. But you can hire another one, not necessary me ;)

FM Alberto Chueca
i asked Magnus Carlsen (DrDrunkenstein) the same question how he is so good at fast time controls than the rest of world and he simply told me "i have a good grasp of chess tactics and positions"
To me, a big part of why I don't play the faster bullet chess times is that it's often times decided by hardware more so than the brain. There have been times where I premove moves and still lose a couple of seconds each move still premoving... The main thing you can do to be good at fast chess is to have a fast connection. If I'm losing a few seconds each move in blitz it's manageable, and in classical it's not really much of an issue at all.

Bullet is a format in which lower skilled players can feel good just moving pieces fast with no real aim so long as they got that fast connection and fast fingers a move is a move.

@TheTap As for the game, in particular, you posted where you lost you should have just sacked the exchange. You got greedy and didn't look out for king safety. Nor were you looking out for an attack of your own either Nd5 with check would have delayed the mate against you as well as given you a little more time to figure a way to save the position. The game you were playing was 15+15 so you should have had plenty of time to think because of your clock situation and you did take a good amount of time thinking of the losing blunder. You spent just over a minute on your final blunder & two minutes on the move before that and another minute and a half on the move before that... You played 19 error free moves out of the gate and then threw it all away.

I think a part of it may be something I have done as well. It's like you get into a won position and the position is like "this is boring now" so you shut your brain off and then sometimes miss tactics because you let your defenses down.
"@NoobFrank, well you gave a long variation. What I ment was: if 26. Rd3 then just taking the bishop with 26. ... Nxe2+ looks more straightforward :p"

Sure, that works, too. But the other way gets the bishop and also really destroys the position. Goodbye b-pawn, rooks invade -- it's more than just losing material.
I have an idea to improve in fast time control games.
1. You have to do short moves e.g e3,d3 etc..
2.Try to spend not much time on thinking and play moves that "look" good.
3.Have a good internet and good mouse.

Though,i consider myself a slow player and i find it hard to move quickly in chess,however chess is a thinking game. But still,hopefully this helped a bit :)
thank you for the explanation. I see your point, and would agree that Kb1 is the more practical move (preferrable even if Stockfish would have said it is evaluated 20cp lower).
In fact I also 'sensed' that my pawns on the queenside could end up awkward when I went for Qc2. But somehow I misjudged the situation and thought it was more accurate to bring my king into play. That strive of perfection and accuracy causing me trouble (but also what so often gives me good positions).

@AlbertoChueca, check your PM.

@lurarose, yes I spent one minute (out of my two remaining minutes) on the last move. Spending one more minute would not have helped. What I am trying to rectify is inconsistent/inreliable pattern recognition.

About that by now overanalyzed game: six months ago I would have sacrificed the exchange without thinking twice. This summer I lost an important OTB game because I gave a rook for knight outpost and a pawn, very similar to the one here. In that game it was the deciding mistake. If I instead would have undermined it, or tried to trade it off, the position would have been quite favourable for me. So in this online game I consciously did not consider a sac because I thought I could (and should) get rid of the outpost with other means.

Also, I do not play bullet. Tried it, dismissed it.

@risky-chess, thanks but the problem is not noticing threats - especially when I cannot spend several minutes on any move. Not how to play better bullet :-)
If anything, this is how to play better when I do not have 2-2.5h for 40 moves and then 1h per 20 moves. Even 90+30 is sometimes a bit too fast for me. :-(
You have played about 200 games in a year. Thats more or less nothing. How can anything in your play be automatic and on a subconscious level if you have no experience. I really guess that is the simple answer.

Not that i am really interested to find out, but: Why is your tactics rating over 2300? The answer may be directly connected to your question, too ...
Skimmed through the article, the only thing of value that I found is this quote:

"false assumptions will get you every time"

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