
Incomprehensible Lichess issue

Dear Lichess friends,
Since yesterday, I keep getting a "reconnecting" message when I use Lichess on my laptop, although my internet connection is strong and I played some games using my phone.
So I can't play any game using my laptop, any help here.
Thank you
Same thing again and again .... is there anyone who cares about quality in this website ...or it is just another website that will die slowly in agony so in 5 years nobody remember the address.....
Please take action
@Murakami wrote:
> “Incomprehensible people all around me doing incomprehensible things.”

Edit: sorry for the ping!! didn't realize there was an user
@mehdius said in #2:
> Same thing again and again .... is there anyone who cares about quality in this website ...or it is just another website that will die slowly in agony so in 5 years nobody remember the address.....

It's unlikely the website is the issue. More likely something on the client side is giving you issues. Examples of that could be extensions or anti-virus programs and similar software. Thus disabling extensions or whitelisting lichess could be the solution. Not my area of expertise thru. If you are unable to resolve the issues, asking in Discord is a good option.

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