
Problem with illustrative pictures of the broadcasts

Hello !
Since the new updates on broadacst, there are illustration images in the overview. But on my PC, it doesn't appear... I can't see the image in any of the tournaments. When I want to watch a broacast, there's a white square instead of the normal image.
I don't know if it's like this with other users' PCs or smartphones (etc.).
Can you tell me if this is just a problem with my PC or a problem with Lichess?
Thank you !
To be honest, I've never seen such kind of problem. But looks like it's problem with your slow/bad internet connection or something like that. Just I recommend you trying it on another internet connection and/or web browser. Hopefully it helps ;)

P.S. So sorry for not being useful to you, I don't have enough information to help you :/
I just tried with an other PC and I can see the picture, may be my PC isn't able to read this picture format.
Thank you for your answer @wonderfulstyle !
@Mulafi said in #6:
> I just tried with an other PC and I can see the picture, may be my PC isn't able to read this picture format.
> Thank you for your answer @wonderfulstyle !
Glad to hear that, it's my pleasure ;)

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