
am i being mean for turning takebacks off?


I'm elated that I won't have to endure you people forever.
But none of you, not a single one, can say the same about me.

When you need help with that blown tire at -45 degrees, I'm the one that stops to help.
When you're in a rush in checkout line and I see you looking nervously at your watch, I'm the one that let's you take my spot.

Are you getting the idea?

Don't be jealous of good people; don't make excuses about why it's too hard to behave yourselves; instead, just do like we do and help make the world a better place!

It's not complicated.
It's simple.

No excuses are ever needed on my side of the fence.

Don't hate and rebuke; celebrate and contribute!
<Comment deleted by user>
This seems to be getting rather off-topic though - this was a post about chess games, what we do in other realms is a different question - other realms are not chess games.

Chess is a competitive game, played to exploit opponent mistakes. If you disagree with that I don't think you would understand chess. I wouldn't say be like that in the rest of life, but it's like 'asking a boxer not to hit an opponent who loses their balance' in a chess context.

I've slipped my mouse many times and simply resign those games if bad enough - I made mistake, my bad. Same goes for my opponents.

Just to add, even more odd to suggest takebacks for a tactical mistake - that is part of the game directly.
Happy to leave these on for an obvious mouseslip, but to troll request after I fork your pieces!!!!

Eventually they will all be switched off.

Is an ability to report a stupid request a stupid suggestion?

1. e4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. Nc3 Bf5 5. Bb5+ Nc6 6. d3 e6 7. a3 Bd6 8. Be3 a6 9. Ba4 b5 10. Bb3 Nge7 11. h3 h6 12. O-O Bh7 13. Kh1 O-O 14. Nh2 d4 15. Nxb5 dxe3 16. Nxd6 Qxd6 17. fxe3 Nf5 18. e4 Ne3 19. Qe2 Nxf1 20. Qxf1 Nd4

Can anyone see a reason white requested a takeback in this position?

I made a suggestion a few years back where people would get to vote on how their opponents have used / misused their takeback privileges in standard time controls. Perhaps it could be applied to rapid time controls as well. I think that with enough downvotes the feature could be automatically turned off for about a year with a clear explanation as to why it's happening.

It's so rare for this to happen in standard time controls that it would never cause someone to leave Lichess, and even if it did, it would be an extremely small amount of people, and the cleaned-up and honest nature of the 'takeback' rule would easily compensate in turns of forcing people to vest more of their love into this community.

I think it's an excellent suggestion.

I think that it could work out perfectly because only people with it on would vote...and it would not take very long to see exactly who is misusing the 'takeback rule' and who is using it for the only thing it was intended for.

I'll re-submit the idea. Who knows. Lichess is always improving themselves. See what happens.
It's the worst idea in the history of ideas. It says absolutely nowhere that take backs are only for mouse slips. Might as well be used in casual games between friends or when teaching someone. It's a "takeback" button and not a "takeback but only because I honest to god mousesliped, haha clumsy me" button.

And of all ideas voting? Voting? Really?

So here is my excellent idea let's add the voting on some arbitrary (mis)use of takebacks, but also add a voting system where people can vote how you voted on them using their takebacks.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with takebacks as they are implemented now. It is obviously a divisive matter among the community, but the nice thing is we all get to choose for ourselves by adjusting our settings.
Not mean; but cowardice. Why would anyone want to win a game where your opponent is clearly winning and a mouse slip, through no fault of their own, puts them at a major disadvantage. Man up and accept it when it is clearly a mouse slip.

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