
Gravity, i did not get a formula, i asked chat gpt but did not find something intresting

@Alientcp said in #9:
> There are 4 known forces in the universe. Gravity, electromagnetism, and 2 atomic or nuclear forces. I wont bother on translation because they are not relevant in the topic.
> Electromagnetic force is stronger than gravity , ( thats why you arent pulled to the center of the earth) gravity manifest more strength on the macro scale (above the size of the atom) electromagnetic force manifest more strength at subatomic levels.
> The zero is not absolute, is just the tipping point between which forces manifest more strength. There is gravity at subatomic levels, but the pull/ push is not dictated by gravity, its dictated by electromagnetism. Zero means gravity is not the relevant force. At least that is my understanding.
i am supposing that we can have an object at 0,0,0, would we have a close real life +inf
@Dukedog The gravity between two orbiting black holes would be very strong at the barycenter. If the black holes are of different masses, the more massive one will experience a smaller acceleration and a larger radius of rotation than the less massive one. However, both black holes will be attracting each other with equal and opposite forces, according to Newton's third law of motion. So the attraction force between them is the same for both black holes.
Newton's laws of motion are not necessarily weak at the microscopic level, but they do have limitations in certain situations like this one I guess
@TheLazyDev said in #11:
> i am supposing that we can have an object at 0,0,0, would we have a close real life +inf

If you have an object at 0,0,0 you wouldnt be using Newtonian physics and expecting to have a correct result. You should be using quantum physics.
@Alientcp said in #17:
> If you have an object at 0,0,0 you wouldnt be using Newtonian physics and expecting to have a correct result. You should be using quantum physics.
I mentioned earlier that Newtonian laws won't work, I mean, if any object was to reach 0,0,0, would it be subject to infinite or zero force, or it won't work since he wont be at the 0,0,0 ever since he would be removing matter from the earth like this
@Santun said in #16:
> Ok. I don’t know nothing of that. LOL

you are sure? You sound like you know at least Socrates

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