

@Dukedog said in #11:
> @ChessKing1015056
> You are boxing aren't you?
> Get him against the ropes or in the corner,don't forget your footwork.
yes, yes I am how do I get him in the corner I try doing that with others and they get out it they stay away

To get them in the corner you have to attack,not so much to hit him as to limit his options as to movement.
To keep them in the corner you shift your attack to the side they are trying to escape to,for instance left crosses if they try to go left,right if they go right. Remember your body is a means of blocking escape also. Use combinations,jabs and hooks to keep him where you want him and don't forget the uppercut.
The reason for staying close is to negate a reach advantage. Also pay attention to timing,if they are advancing hit them when they are halfway between steps . Also short shots work well against a taller opponent when in a clinch the idea being to turn their height into a liability.
I boxed a bit in my youth and the thing to realize is boxing is a science of the mind and not just the body. To outfight them you out think them,put them where you want them, make them drop their guard and present them with false opportunities and nail them. The jab is effective as a leadin to a cross . Don't chase them,make them come to you.

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