
Amusing position

7 black pawns on line 6, 6 white pawns on line 4, after 14 moves each. Furthermore, the best move seems to be 15. b4, which would make this even more crazy. (Btw, we didn't play this on purpose.) Has someone met such a position? (Or even a position with 8 pawns on the same rank - not the 2nd one obviously)
16...f5? was wrong as it gave away square g5. He should have stayed true to his strategy, playing 16...Kb8 and 17...Ka7. I dislike 12...h5: better 12...h6 or 12...f6.
It is a bit unusual, but in the hedgehog system line-ups of black pawns on the 6th rank and white pawns on the 4th rank are not uncommon.
There are theoreticians that advocate the development Ne7, Nd7, Bb7, Bg7 with the corresponding moves on the 6th rank.
The white build-up Nf3, Nc3, Bd3, Be3, with the corresponding pawns on the 4th rank is classical.
It looks strange, but it is not that odd.
Thanks Illion! In this position Black even finally succeeds to win... Crazy.

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