
Lichess Game of the Month February - Contest

Ok sorry OHHHH Now is it march?! :o time is going soo fast :(

Sorry :(

I only popped into this arena to play one game for my team England Women, with no pressure and no expectations. I was sick with flu and dosed up with paracetamol. When I was paired with a 2200 I felt some disappointment as I only had time for one game.

I played my favourite Rapport-Jobava 1.d4... white opening with the idea to attack all guns blazing on the kingside, and castle queenside, maybe even delaying castling in order not to lose tempi in the attack.

Perhaps my opponent was not familiar with this opening, or maybe saw my lowly 1300 blitz rating and didn't pay much attention to it? By the time black realised what was coming it was too late. I was uninhibited and fully committed, saccing the rook 15.Rxh5 without a second thought to open up the black king to the max, with both bishops and my queen well-placed, and plans to bring the other rook after O-O-O to the open g file.

He shouldn't have accepted the sacrifice though because it allowed the queen dangerously close on h5 and even desperate attempts to defend with 16...Rf5 didn't work because my LSB was ready to take and black is already doomed. Keeping the pressure on with 18.Qf7+ allows me breathing space to finally castle queenside and bring my remaining rook to the party. Black's king is bare and defenceless in the corner and resigned on move 19 after 19. O-O-O with #4 on the board.

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