
Act of war

Putin :

Harsh economic sanctions against Russia is an act of war.
Setting up a no fly Zone in the Ukraine would be an act of war ( and I might start using nukes ).

But Russia Shelling , bombing , shooting and actually INVADING the Ukraine is self defence.

Perfectly logical.
Remember: it's not an invasion, it's a "Special Military Operation."
which I assume is military code for "pacifistic violent occupation"
@Mopman said in #1:
> Putin :
> Harsh economic sanctions against Russia is an act of war.
> Setting up a no fly Zone in the Ukraine would be an act of war ( and I might start using nukes ).
> But Russia Shelling , bombing , shooting and actually INVADING the Ukraine is self defence.
Trump calls Putin "a friend". Those are the people with a 24-carat wretched thinking, dunked on their stupidity. USA have millions of them - Trumpers, Putins. Russia's all-out assault on Ukraine is disgusting. Putin is silencing the independent press, Trump would do the same in US. It's time to take down Putin and to throw Trump (and his minions and FOX-News anchors) into prison.
No-Fly-zone over Ukraine! I doubt, Putin can lunch nukes, his generals will not follow him.
Without NATO action, we will watch on TV how Ukraine gets destroyed and the last Ukrainian is slaughtered. Can the free world afford such a moral disaster? Can we allow dictators and other insane criminals (like Trump) to rule the world and to establish the laws of brutality?
My eyes need glasses. I initially read the title as Art of War
@klaus_f said in #4:
> Trump calls Putin "a friend". Those are the people with a 24-carat wretched thinking, dunked on their stupidity. USA have millions of them - Trumpers, Putins. Russia's all-out assault on Ukraine is disgusting. Putin is silencing the independent press, Trump would do the same in US. It's time to take down Putin and to throw Trump (and his minions and FOX-News anchors) into prison.
> No-Fly-zone over Ukraine! I doubt, Putin can lunch nukes, his generals will not follow him.
> Without NATO action, we will watch on TV how Ukraine gets destroyed and the last Ukrainian is slaughtered. Can the free world afford such a moral disaster? Can we allow dictators and other insane criminals (like Trump) to rule the world and to establish the laws of brutality?

Err , you do realize Trump lost the election and is not in power in the United States right ?

Rather focus on an actual dictator than someone who will have to wait more than 2 years just to run again ( and certainly no guarantee he would even win the Republican nomination let alone the general election).

Focus on today , tomorrow will have enough troubles.
@Mopman said in #6:
> Rather focus on an actual dictator than someone who will have to wait more than 2 years just to run again ( and certainly no guarantee he would even win the Republican nomination let alone the general election).
> Focus on today , tomorrow will have enough troubles.

Trump tried (and did) cheat on the young and unexperienced President Zelensky, withholding military equipment for his corrupt intensions! Of course - we need to be focused on today's problems, this is now Ukraine AND the freedom of Europe and the World! I plead the US and NATO for a No-Fly-Zone and assume strongly, Putin will lose his power in Moscow immediately. No rational brain in the inner circle of Putin would lunch a nuclear assault on Europa, leave alone USA.

Today's problem is the freedom of Ukraine!
Tomorrow (2024) the problem is the USA, with 70 millions railed up losers following the Goeppel propaganda (FOX News) and trying to crash the freedom and democracy in the US!
And that would be the problem of the day after tomorrow! A problem for the World.
Crimea River. There are two sides to every river. The view is totally different from each side. Maybe you only see one side of things.
<Comment deleted by user>
if Russia were to let Ukraine be token over by nato, it would mean to end for Russia too. America has already placed troops and nuclear weapons in Poland, which is part of nato. They would probably do the same thing to Ukraine. that would make Moscow an easy nuclear target. one missile, the whole entire Russia will be destroyed in under 5 minutes... that would make the Russian government paralyzed, which would allow nato to dismantle Russia just like Yugoslavia, which is now just a bunch of poor countries that are easy to control.

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