
Where is metal music originated from?

By the way, I've been waiting like 8 years for an opportunity to use that. No regrets!
@OctoPinky exaggerates a bit when claiming that Vivaldi was "way more" metal than Shostakovich. But 8P may be forgiven since he is now bringing up Vivaldi and the Baroque (let's say his name out loud: "J.S. Bach") and giving them the vast credit to which they are due.

The Red Priest conducted a musical band of orphans. That's pretty "metal" indeed, it seems to me.

And Bach? The dude had so many musical children that he had to be "metal" in his bones, and elsewhere, as well.

Good call, @OctoPinky. Although give credit to the musical kitten ( @greenteakitten ) for being the first to bring up Shostakovich in this thread (as he or she so artfully and correctly did).

But let's not be too hard on Khruschev. His bark was way worse than his bite. In contrast, Stalin could bite like a hippo.

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