
Discrimination against engine players

Why do you need an account, lichess will pair a rated game against 2 computers or 1 computer vs a player instead of you creating your account and getting banned and wasting data by making this forum.
Wow, so basically comet rider is copying the moves an engine does into his game.
If that isn't cheating, I don't know what is.
Haha I love this forum post and I absolutely don't get why it has any dislikes. Is anyone around here capable of irony? Hmmm
I have no idea how much brandy you drank last night, but that hangover must be insane for you to say something like that.
1. You are bad at chess
2. You cannot even play correctly with and engine
What are you good at?.
Oh I get it, you are good at being bad in stuff!!
Finally a cheater who is honest and true.

I sometimes pm cheaters before their ban. The lying crap i get from them.....
Then i pm them again after they are banned quite funny reverse.....

Chess or any game is about beeting an opponent. We do not do run races v.s. formule 1 cars. If you do want quality play against another computer. Good luck with that because that is all the opponents you will get.
so im a burglar, and i feel there is unfair discrimination and stigma of "stealing." i feel like "burglar" is derogatory and "unauthorized property seizer" should be the more politically correct term. we're still playing, just like you/ we're competing, just like you. and it's not easy! i got caught last night because i missed the CCTV- it's hard because at night, it's dark so you have to be very careful.

burglars are good for the world. ive had some brilliant heists and some pretty amazing escapes. other players get good stuff, and everybody learns. stealing still requires you to play the game.

its no different than a golfer using a magnetic ball, an WR using sticky gloves, or a keeper using an invisible forcefield in front of the net. it's still about the competition
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a burglar. I can't believe I have to say this but this is an analogy, not a confession.
arent you the guy who boasted off that you were a super grandmaster who would challenge magnus?


good job

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