
Bobby Fischer crushes 2-time Argentine Champion

1 be6 blunder blocking scope of queen and not guarding the knight
2 move the king to b2 or a3 !capture the knight is best
3 pawn cant leave king undefended but like in-between move bishop capture on d6
this is done with out engine !!!!!!!! or long thought and calculation
1) g and h pawns can give a Big Pressure to king side casteling
2) better to take Knight with bishop , then defend a pawn, otherwise that knight can take E pawn after attacking a pawn, becasure defending Knight will leave defending it
3)if to take with queen , then black can simply take c2 pawn with queen check, that's very unconvnient fo white
> White has a strategically won game

What if in "learn from your mistakes" automation, there were some king of way to weed out the tactical mistakes from the strategic mistakes?

If one can analyse a game a spot critical position where a placement of a piece allows such commentary, should there be not some way to have some tool or way to have only this kind of optimality criterion..

For those of us who can hone their tactical skills in mini-games, and would like to use long haul games to look at different error masks.

This is me using the blog to illustrate what engine and "accuracy" gizmos could be targeting instead of just winning engine tournaments. Make the tools help us.
@aVague said in #4:
> 1) g and h pawns can give a Big Pressure to king side casteling
> 2) better to take Knight with bishop , then defend a pawn, otherwise that knight can take E pawn after attacking a pawn, becasure defending Knight will leave defending it
> 3)if to take with queen , then black can simply take c2 pawn with queen check, that's very unconvnient fo white