
Chess tricks in three-check

ok these are wrong, first one queen goes to h4/h5 and threatens Qxf7/f2 (followed by Be8/1)and Qg4/5 + , and if queen at b3 then d5 (if Bb5+ is already blocked) refutes that
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The best for black is to meet e4 with e6. It makes useless to move bishop on c4. At all cases never move d pawn if opponents' bishop can give you check from b square or you get losing position.
@Chrystosakbar said in #5:
> The best for black is to meet e4 with e6. It makes useless to move bishop on c4. At all cases never move d pawn if opponents' bishop can give you check from b square or you get losing position.

yes i agree since black will probably play e6 in the first 10 moves Bc4 is useless in most cases unless e6 is weak or if you play Bc4 with check other than that Bc4 bad in 3 check
@Chrystosakbar said in #5:
> The best for black is to meet e4 with e6. It makes useless to move bishop on c4. At all cases never move d pawn if opponents' bishop can give you check from b square or you get losing position.

nah feel free to play d4 of u have c3 or Nc3 already played (or 0-0)
@MariaCurca said in #4:
> Yes but its three-check
@Sack_o_Potatoes said in #8:
> nah feel free to play d4 of u have c3 or Nc3 already played (or 0-0)

I mean the same. Don't move d4 if bishop gives you immediate check