
why don't more players on lichees reply to a greeting before a game?

I often greet another player before a game and congratulate them afterif they win and always thank them for playing. I never get a reply. Whats the reason? And yet the the mind behind lichees has done more than most chess websites to humanise it A paradox!
Sorry lichees - spelled your name wrong
Some plaupyers just do not care. Or do not have time. I also experience that.
I don't know if you have ever played OTB in tournament play...but if you would find that there are some wide variety of people that like chess. As a veteran of years of otb play I can tell you there are some strange people who... won't shake your hand before a game and such. :]
I find that I also rarely look at the comments--which could be another reason for not replying.
I like when people greet me, but I sometimes don't notice things in the chat until after the game. Concentrating on two things at once is asking too much for some of us :/
I've played corr. chess here, and some players don't say anything (ouch).

However ... others are very friendly and say e.g. "hello from Poland. Good luck", sometimes even their hello word is also in their language, which I do appreciate.

In otb chess it is much more common that people reply to a greeting, and I'm glad about that :)

Like others already said, one can come across some anti-social behavior.

Luckily there's ... always a next chess game :)
It could be argued that saying hi when you do not feel sociable and wishing them good luck (if they do get good luck I will probably lose) are just silly social conventions to make certain people feel better . Sometimes I say hi gl in longer games but secretly I am wishing that their good luck brings them enough chess ability to challenge me but I still win.
I have experienced a few times the 'hello nazi' , who when does not recieve a reply begins to insult you for not living up to his expectations. At least he gets a reply when he does it :)
Sometimes trolls start nicely with a greeting, but then insult you so that you feel stupid having responded to them. If I know the person, I will most likely answer nicely as well. Also, I'm very self-critical, so when I play bladly, I'm really angry with myself and might not respond to anyone.

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