
Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more

@helloworld_1064 said in #4:
> Can you explain it?

sure. people want to brag about their high puzzle ratings, so they cheat in various ways. in order to stop that, lichess does not display their puzzle rating. hopefully they will stop cheating, when their friends and brothers cannot even see their ratings.

anyway, you didn't need to share a screenshot with us. we know that this is happening. it is not new. it is working exactly as intended.
Thank you for the info , I will block you, so I dont have to play against you . Cheating in Puzzle is enough info for me. No way a legit 1800 rapid player get over 3000 in puzzle....
@helloworld_1064 said in #7:
> I did many puzzles on Hardest level and got many correctly, so I got so high rating

Reality check: in the following video you can see Jan Gustafsson, a 2600 GM, solve difficult puzzles on Lichess for one hour.

The video is in German, but English subtitles are available. Around the 56 minutes mark we see Jan's puzzle rating drop to 2900 after failing a puzzle.

Do you really believe you are able to significantly outperform him without assistance? Do yourself a favor and stop betraying yourself. This site will not stop you from continuing to do so, but it does take measures against betraying other people.
@helloworld_1064 said in #1:
> Hello @Lichess , I want to report an issue that other accounts cannot see puzzle ratings over 2700-2800. I asked my brother to check my puzzle rating which is 3115 but he told that it was not visible but was visible through his account. My chess friend also told that the id's puzzle could only be seen by own account only. NOT by someone else account and their rating is also about 2800. Kindly address this matter.
> Your site's user
> - @helloworld_1064
Your rating is 1897 but no way you can be puzzle be 3000+ its too much this rating can be done by only cheatimg only titled players can go up to that or if you have a ration 2400+ ..
@helloworld_1064 said in #9:
> Another update: My rating has increased more to 3126

What is actually scary is that you are a 35-year-old man (according to the FIDE profile you share on your profile) and not a small child boasting about your rather eye-watering "3126 puzzle rating". You can fool yourself but you aren't fooling us. I think whatever way you are "solving" the puzzles isn't translating very well into your 1400 blitz and 1800 rapid ratings. Please get help, (but not with the puzzles).
@helloworld_1064 said in #1:
> Hello @Lichess , I want to report an issue that other accounts cannot see puzzle ratings over 2700-2800. I asked my brother to check my puzzle rating which is 3115 but he told that it was not visible but was visible through his account. My chess friend also told that the id's puzzle could only be seen by own account only. NOT by someone else account and their rating is also about 2800. Kindly address this matter.
If your rating is under 2000, any puzzle rating over 2500 doesn't show up. It doesn't matter if your "normal" rating is 1999 or 400, if it's under 2000 the system just doesn't trust that you can get a rating above 2500.

It's extremely difficult to get to 2600 on Lichess, much less getting 3100. Lichess needs you to prove that you're capable of it by also being ~2500-3200 in normal chess elo. :)
@greenteakitten said in #16:
> If your rating is under 2000, any puzzle rating over 2500 doesn't show up.
IIRC the limit for showing puzzle rating over 2500 is 1800.

> It's extremely difficult to get to 2600 on Lichess
Difficcult, yes, but I would argue about the "extremely" part. Apart of calculation skills, it mostly depends on your patience and how much effort and time are you willing to spend on them. (I'm talking only about reaching 2600 puzzle rating now, not about 3100 or even about suddenly getting from 2500 to 3100 within one day.)
@mkubecek said in #17:
> IIRC the limit for showing puzzle rating over 2500 is 1800.
I was above 1800 on my alt and it never showed when I got to 2500...
> Difficcult, yes, but I would argue about the "extremely" part. Apart of calculation skills, it mostly depends on your patience and how much effort and time are you willing to spend on them. (I'm talking only about reaching 2600 puzzle rating now, not about 3100 or even about suddenly getting from 2500 to 3100 within one day.)
I meant difficult in the sense of at the sheer speed that OP got it by - yes, it is possible to get lucky and suddenly get there if your rating is half-provisional like mine haha but otherwise I find it hard to believe.
I'm not suggesting it's impossible to get 2600 - just that most people around OP's rating are not 2600. :)
The code has changed a bit since but AFAICS only to be more fine grained:

def dubiousPuzzle(puzzle: Perf, standard: Perf): Boolean =
puzzle.glicko.rating > 3000 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 2100) ||
puzzle.glicko.rating > 2900 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 2000) ||
puzzle.glicko.rating > 2700 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 1900) ||
puzzle.glicko.rating > 2500 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 1800)

@mkubecek said in #19:

Oh I see! Thanks for correcting me then.

So if I was 2500 right now, would it show? What time control must be 1800 for it to show? I'm curious :)

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