
Please support this aspiring YouTuber!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask everyone to check out @Luciano_the_best 's YouTube channel, found here:

While he definitely is new to streaming his games, (O.K., it's technically not streaming) the games are always interesting and fun to watch, and he usually does a computer analysis of his games afterwards.

As a bonus, I played Luciano the other day and he posted our game here:

Please check out the channel and like and subscribe if you enjoyed it, and those of us who regularly stream can perhaps give him a tip or two in the process. (I am not a streamer.)


AND please ignore the thread about this that I accidentally created in the Feedback tab. Sorry....
If you want to play a game against me for my channel, don't hesitate to contact me :))
Subrscribed gl streaming...
1tip Please try to improve even though personality and atmosphere matters most its not really interesting to watch a low kaliber player play chess if you don't mind me saying. :) gl

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