
Chess - Playing with ADHD

I have ADHD and it is causing difficulties with my ability to take my time with OTB tournaments. I tend to move incredible quickly and not force myself to spend an adequate amount of time on my moves. What are some ways in which I can make sure that I spend enough time on my moves? In an OTB game which was 90min+30sec, I ended up with 70 minutes left while my opponent finished with 20 minutes left. This type of time difference is a recurring theme with my OTB games.
Practice. Play more classical here and practice time management.
Sit on your hands between moves. It might sound silly, but it helps. :)

Also, I have a similar problem sometimes, thinking "I have to move now! I don't have time to think!" when I still have plenty of time. Just getting myself to calm down by taking a deep breath helps me relax and realize that I can take a minute or two to think; I don't have to respond this very second. It's hard to do this in the real world too, since we live in a world of instant gratification and constant connectivity.

Good luck :)
Quaaludes. Only I don't think they make them any more. A walk around the entire tournament area after each move, so that you come back with the position looking fresh, and thus hopefully just don't make the move you were thinking about before you made your last move. As you know it is the "automatic" or pre-planned move that is usually the problem. Also, write down the move before you make it. That forces you to think about it one more time.
I usually follow the Chessbrahs and I've watched that particular documentary before. Eric suggests music and exercise as things that were helpful for his chess.

My main issues with those things are:

1. At OTB tournaments I don't get to listen to music.
2. I'm incredibly skinny and unfit so I tend to find exercise before chess as just tiring.

I really need to find a way to better manage my time. I'm not really sure how long I should spend on my moves. I tend to just move quickly based on what looks good.
Pretty sure most forms of medication are banned. I have a Ritalin prescription though I'm not allowed to take them on tournament days as it is a banned substance.
Actually, quaaludes was just a joke, but maybe you are too young to know about them. They put you in a stupor, in which it is hard to walk, much less play chess. I'm not sure about the effect on ADHD. I did not realize you were forbidden to take your regular prescription medication.
@B1SH0P_B1SH0P I think you should just focus on the game. The only medicine from ADHD except from tablets that are horrible for your health is interest. Get into the game, focus only on it, set yourself a goal of winning it. Chess is all about thinking. Hope this helps:)
When I lose focus I usually just make a quick move to regain focus. I need to find a way to regain focus and spend more time on my moves rather than default to making quick moves when bored.

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