
What I did to climb from 2000 to 2100 on Lichess

YouTube video here:

10 months ago, I made a video when I hit 2000 for the first time ( and explained what I did to get there. A week ago I broke 2100 on Lichess for the first time! This new video explains what I did to get there.

For those that don't want to watch the whole video of me babbling, below is a timestamped summary of the video:

0:00 - 1:45 - Introduction
1:45 - 3:20 - Rating increases over past 10 months
3:20 - 4:30 - Still focusing on longer time controls, analyzing games, opening study
4:30 - 7:15 - Optimized openings to transpose to known positions
7:20 - 8:20 - Showing my graphs/progress over time
8:20 - 12:15 - Hired my first chess coach
12:15 - 13:25 - Realized weakness: Calculation
13:25 - 14:05 - Started (last month) Woodpecker Method
14:20 - 15:55 - Best way to combat hated/weak openings? Learn to love them.
16:00 - 20:12 - New goal is 2175!
About myself

1. I dont need to introduce , as I am the same craps as you guys are.
2.Statistitical flutes happens, my rating increased from 2200 to 2300 in bullet in last year.
3.I focus on bullet. This way I can get thousands of experience within a few months and can get natural intuition within seconds
4.Follow what stockfish suggest in opening in analysis
5.Never hire a coach
6.New goal, not to drop back from 2300 to 2000. ( stop playing for a while)!.
Congrats on your accomplishment! Good luck on getting to 2175.
I'm starting to think the best way to improve rating in the long-run is to stop caring so much about it. I've realized that I'd rather play risky and precise chess than play mediocre moves just because they're safe. If that means playing risky sacrifices then I'd rather lose some decent amount of rating points (even if it drops me back below 1800 blitz) whilst spending too long on my moves.

Do you guys agree/disagree? I'm at a point where I almost don't care about tactics other than in puzzle rush :P

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