
Charity event for baby with terminal disease

Dear fellow chess players,

There will be a Charity Arena on May 1st at 6 pm CEST!

Current case:

Amelia, 12 months old baby, is from Ukraine. Amelia is diagnosed with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) type 1, a genetic disease that causes muscle failure, which may be deadly by the time a baby becomes 2 years old. So that this does not happen, Amelia needs a "Zolgensma" injection. It is her only chance to stay alive. Young parents have no means paying 2.3M$ for this drug and insurance in Ukraine is not covering it.

on April 12th Amelia became 1 year old, what means that we have only 1 year time to help her to raise the money for the most expensive injection. So far, they raised 250 000 $ which is far away from their goal. You can check all information here:

Join the Chariteam (you'll have to make a donation to join the team):

Join the tournament:


All links on the case and card data for the transfer in USD and EUR:


Special thanks to Angelika (@AngelikaCan)

Thanks everyone!
I simpatize a lot with Amelia's situation, but asking people to donate on a website where people hate advertising so much?
not a good idea.
best of luck to Amelia.
Random stranger on the internet
I hate advertising to hawk some crappy team or YouTube channel. I hate healthcare systems that forces parents to crowdfund for a child's survival even more.

From what I know of Ukrainian healthcare and is reforms, this is plausible, and OP has history on this site. I can't speak to the docs on the google drive but my inclination is to believe them too.

I love what you're doing, @WotanJr - I hope you get a lot of interest which helps Amelia get the care she needs.
Wow, This is the first time I actually cared for an advertisement. I really hope Amelia survives and they raise enough money to save her!
@WotanJr I applaud your efforts in this. May I suggest that since this disease is so extremely rare, and any appeal such as yours is unlikely to start an avalanche of clones, that you approach Lichess Administration on the possibility of them setting up a one-time donation thread across all forums, where donations would be channelled through a single account. It could be assumed that all possible safeguards would be put in place.
I believe this would engender a level of trust sufficient to attract hesitant donors.
If they agreed, the threads could be made sticky until the target is reached.
Bumped to get it onto the surface of the swamp.
It is a great pity that interesting and worthwhile threads are now sunk by spam within five minutes.
Please stop creating a thread for every random passing thought that moves through your head.
I now have 2953 posts on Lichess..
See? I didn't need to make a spam thread to say something nobody give's a rat's backside about..

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