
You are from which country?

I don't think anyone knows this country ... If you know it, well, you certainly can not say anything interesting about this country.
I also hate this country, it is on the list of most inflation and it is also in drought ..
#9 Azerbaijan is in Asia. I know it. Are you floating in the Capsain Sea?
#12 Few Hotwheels are from Malaysia. Having fun in Lego-Land?
#14 Are you shivering? Have a hot cofee!!
#36 you hate your country?
Also it is better not to say ''i hate x country'' because it will cause to mess.
Why you wish your country would be destroyed?
You should be proud that you have nationality of a country.

My country is not too good but im proud that im from Mexico.
you heard of this country called earth?
well I live in the capital city Antarctica and it's pretty cool here
I am from the USA, though I speak Tamil and am an Indian Origin. I live in the USA now. I am basically an Indian-American. And a lot of people have been racist to me cause of that, but I am proud to be an Indian origin, and I don't care what they say to me.

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