
Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?

@Oportunist if you read the second half of the sentence . “potential life out there and that your ideas that are here are the truth“ and now think about it. that of all the different religions on earth and all the ideas that potentially exist in the universe you believe your religion to be the real truth of everything? I hate to break it to you but whatever religion you believe in is largely based on geography/ time you were born. If you were born in Asia 1000 years ago or India 2000 years ago or Iran 3000 years ago or America now vs 1000 years ago there’s a high likelihood you would believe in a different religion. Religion isn’t about facts it’s about culture. It’s not a factual thing it’s cultural.
@GriffinDaBeast said in #31:
> @Oportunist if you read the second half of the sentence . “potential life out there and that your ideas that are here are the truth“ and now think about it. that of all the different religions on earth and all the ideas that potentially exist in the universe you believe your religion to be the real truth of everything? I hate to break it to you but whatever religion you believe in is largely based on geography/ time you were born. If you were born in Asia 1000 years ago or India 2000 years ago or Iran 3000 years ago or America now vs 1000 years ago there’s a high likelihood you would believe in a different religion. Religion isn’t about facts it’s about culture. It’s not a factual thing it’s cultural.

İsnt people feeling it a fact? İf everything changes,the ideas and beliefs abaut the supernatural world can change also
@Oportunist yea ideas and beliefs change. But facts do not. If a fact changes its because it was incorrect and wasn’t actually a fact to begin with. I’m just giving you the reasoning to why I am an atheist.
@GriffinDaBeast said in #33:
> @Oportunist yea ideas and beliefs change. But facts do not. If a fact changes its because it was incorrect and wasn’t actually a fact to begin with. I’m just giving you the reasoning to why I am an atheist.

How does facts contradict with religion? Also facts can change and do change.can u tell me one fact that can never change?
@HiramHolliday said in #37:
> #29. Try engaging common sense. Works for me.

Does gravity make sense?does planets circling araund the Sun makes sense,?because u observed it and saw it remain u call it normal,what does ur common sense say abaut infinity or first thing that existed?its beyond our capacity to understand.we understand the world and universe better with time,our views change and became more acurate,also religions,our understanding of the supernatural world has changed and became more acurate

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