
Violence in U.S

they were waiting for gta5 to come out. things should calm down for a bit until the kids get bored again
I too dread when the they start getting bored of gta5, then the shooting rampages will spike up. Can you imagine being a little kid in today's world and growing up playing these hyper-realistic murder simulators?

It's quite a vicious cycle, gta makes the kids violent, but it also keeps them occupied. Well, we can't put the "gta genie" back in the bottle, so we as a society must learn to live with increased shootings and violence.
GTA 5 = Grand Theft Auto 5, which is a video game. Violent one, so to speak.

I would wager that today's generation is less violent.
That's true, #17.

The gun homicide rate in the United States has actually decreased by 49% since 1993, when it peaked at 7 deaths per 100,000 people.

Firearms-related violence {assaults, robberies, sex crimes} has decreased by 75%.

Most Americans think it has risen sharply, according to surveys. This could be further from the truth. The world really is much nicer than the media makes it to be. :)
and how do you know all these facts Hellball?

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