
Swiss chess tournament on lichess

I would know if there is the possibilty of to organize a chess tournament on Lichess, but with swiss system of pairing and regolar standing . What you think, about it ?
Lichess tournaments are fun, with berserking and winning streaks. Swiss chess is a good idea, but it would make Lichess more boring and tournaments wouldn't be that fun.
I Know that (the lichess tournament are fun and comfortably), but in case of impossibility of partecipate at regolar conventional swiss chess tournament in chess clubs or in the external venues, for orders of authority, economic problems, lack of sufficient adhesions, etc, why not include among the functions of the Lichess website: CREATE SWISS OR ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT ??
So one can choose whether to create a fun and unconventional tournament,
or a serious tournament with conventional rules...!
Swiss and round robin would not exclude arena, but be an importaint supplement. After our club has moved online due to Corona, Lichess is the prefered place to be. But the lack of automated swiss and round robin tournament is a serious downside.
+1 for Round Robin. We had our first club evening online today, and missed the option to organize a round robin, as we do usually.
We also now have club meetings online and we miss roundrobin and swiss.
You ca n organice tourament running the swiss/roundrobin logic on you local computer/notebook and just playing the games on lichess. Like lichess45/45 does

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