
Queen´s gambit.Accepted:Furman variation ( QG. 8,3 1997 )

I just wanted to point out that nowadays white players tend to chose a more precise and flexible move order in this line by playing the move 6. 0-0 first, after both 5... a6 and 5... c5. It simply allows them more options such as entering a slightly better queenless middlegame/endgame as played in the following games:

Note that if white wants he can still transpose in the line you're analysing by playing 8. Qe2.

Black could try to take on d1 himself, but it doesn't make much difference, as his king is supposed to remain in the center.

P. S. :
White can avoid trading queens if he wants to outplay a lower rated opponent who'd be happy to enter a queenless middlegame.

HI field practice...
Thanks for that, I will have a look at it. However as I see it, this still dosen answer my question: Why not Rc8 !? N ( I am tempted to give this rook move a !!, but at least !?, unto someone can prove to me that this is not good for Black.
I am trying to understand the position, and ask myself a few ( hopefully sensible ) questions. Maybe it just me who dosen truly understand the Bishop move, I don't know. As I say, I am no GM ore something, so what do I know. I often run in to the problem, where I know I have a good position, and shout win, but then I mess op the game, because I don't truly understand the position I am in. My aim here, is to try, and understand if I found something that could be good, ore something that is not good. And op to now, no player nore chess programs have been able to prove me wrong, and sins I am not at a level where I can beat ( ore even have a small chance ) a program like Fritz 14 and Rybka 4 ( which is the chess engine i have. ) and sins none of this programs, have shown me, a deep position analyse, and have analyst the move 11. ... - Rc8 for several hours, and not found any problems with this move, I stand fast with my ( OWN ) judgment. RC8( is interesting and shout be tetestet on a high level.
Un to that day, where sonone com up with a deep position analyse,( and here I wich that it is don in the same way as in NIC nr 44 ) so can get a deep understanding onit.
Im still learning :-)

tbr... I made this for you to day. I use a few hours to take a closer look at your idea. I am not sure if I understand you all the way, but I think that your aim, is to try and "blow away" ( take control ) the C line from Black, witch ( at som point ) I try to take control over with my rook move :-)
12. ... - Be7.13.Bd2 - 0-0 ( 13.Bd2 is better then Be3 :-) ) 14.Rfc1 ( our idea at som point ) and now maybe: 14. ... - Nc5.15.Nxc5 - Bxc5.16.b4 - Ba7.17.Rxc8 - Qxc8.18.Rc1 - Qd7 = ( the very simple idea, is to play Rc8 in hop that maybe the queen can keep an eye on things here. or 14.Rfc1 - Rxc1+.15.Rxc1 - Qa8 ( again, the simple idea of playing Rfc8, com to my mind. ) 16.e5 - Nd5.17.Na5 - Rc8.18.Rxc8 - Bxc8.19.Nd4 - Nc5.20.Bc2 - Bd7 =

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