
Sudden 2000 -> 2100 puzzle rating

Played some puzzles. Went up 100+ rating to never reached heights of 2100, and they weren't even hard puzzles. Am I a genius or did I just get some easy puzzles? :)
The same happened to me 2 -3 weeks ago. I shot up to 1969 ( my highest ever here ) . I have come down to earth now 1750 range. I have had alot of ones with inbetween moves, or instead of taking the Queen, you are suppose to give check first, then take the Queen.
I have also during this period started reading Forcing Moves by Charles Hertan, so I am overthinking the easier puzzles .
nice I had 1900 to 2600 now im 2540. I made the last topic as 2100 in lichess puzzles
lichess puzzles are not very very hard ( some 2500+ puzzles are hard)
I wonder why there is such a huge difference in tactics, your FIDE rating in the profile and your live chess ratings. What are you doing differently in tactics than in your games?

I guess you should be able to find the tactical solutions in your games.
no thanks im not really into it I just make mistakes because at point I didn't find a clue of how and why

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