
Warning, Letting time run out instead of resigning will result in a temporary ban.

Hi, I'm not sure why I'm being flagged for this. This happens to me in 5-0 games but i'm not letting my time run out on purpose. I know when players leave a game (that is lost), that is bad, but I honestly, %100 never do that. When i'm behind in a position, i use more of my time per move. Sometimes while in a game, my clock runs out on 5-0 games while i'm thinking. For game, i lost on time after 37 moves, and Lichess game me a warning. I was banned a few weeks back for the same thing. Just because i lose a game on time, doesn't mean i'm "letting time run out instead of resigning." Please help!
Play fast when you're low on time. To not do so is to let your time run out.

Or you could resign. Behind on position, not enough left on the clock to finish the game (and your opponent having plenty of time) = you're just being disrespectful to your opponent by playing on until you're flagged.
"Play fast when you're low on time."

Easy for you to say. Maybe not every player is as good as you and can make a move that fast?

"Or you could resign"

Where in the rules does it say you have to resign if you are losing? What sport does that make sense in? I'm playing the game to win, and I did not leave from a rated game. I merely ran out of time in a blitz game in a worse position. Is that not allowed to happen to us mortals?

"you're just being disrespectful to your opponent by playing on until you're flagged."

I don't believe I'm being disrespectful to anyone. Did my opponent report me or has anyone? Ever? My game completion rate is extremely high and my only faults are probably internet connections. This is not the case here. I just fairly ran out of time in 5-0 blitz after 37 moves. Making someone have to resign here is not chess.

P.S. i do like the "claim victory" policy, I've never been close to faulting anyone like that and i think the code can be reviewed.
I know you're just helping, Thanks for replying.
agreed , this "threat" is rude and unnecessary. Spend your time on people who cheat and abuse.
@knappyrootz This is exactly why I do not like these warnings, too. They put pressure on people to resign early. And resigning early has nothing to do with the idea of sport or respect. This is not respect, but subjugation of the weaker below the stronger. A principle, which I hate.

OTH, what I do not understand is why you have already been temporarily been banned. This should happen only, if you let run out your time very frequently.
<Comment deleted by user>
Hello. I've been on lichess for over six years now and the one constant theme I have witnessed is the general obsession over this single issue which, in real life, is almost completely nonexistent.

First off, there is really no such thing as letting your clock run out in a blitz game - if you agree to a 5 minute game, you should expect to spend 5-10 minutes total playing and how and when your opponent uses that time is entirely up to them. To complain to this degree over the waste of a minute at most of your time (in, after all, a winning position) is, at least in the non-instant gratification world of actual chess, patently petty.

In a standard game, however, the possibility of, real, measurable, abuse exists - having to wait an hour to win a game that you've a forced mate in is clearly tedious, but also much easier to detect. I'm not sure what algorithm lichess currently employs for determining what constitutes "rudeness" in this manner, but perhaps we could collectively agree that at least anything under somewhere around, say, 2-5 minutes of "stalling" is really not worth this amount of histrionics?

Finally, I'd like to mention what I do consider a remarkably common and significantly more irritating behavior - that of an opponent who wins a game, offers a rematch and then, once accepted, refuses to move. No punishment is too severe for these miscreants.

Thank you for your time,

- Zug

Thank you @ZugAddict , that's all I'm trying to say.

- if you agree to a 5 minute game, you should expect to spend 5-10 minutes total playing and how and when your opponent uses that time is entirely up to them.

By no means have I abandoned any game in question. I'm still an active green dot, playing in a worse position in 5-0, and losing on time in a rated game.

Thank you all.

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