
If you criticise Israel...

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@twighead said in #30:
So you think claiming back ones land is anto Semitic? If a jew steals from me something and ask him to return it back isn't anti Semitic?
@Human77 said in #40:
> bla bla bla
Is this really your level of intellectual argumentation? It goes to show you have no reply for defending a genocide, and demonstrates to the whole Lichess forums to witness your stupidity.
@Human77 said in #40:
> bla bla bla

I didn't know I was talking to a child, I'm sorry. I'll try to use more small words next time. Here:

Israel helped Hamas. They don't want people in Gaza to pick who is in charge. They want the people in charge of Gaza to be "bad people" so that they can treat all of Gaza like bad people.

Words are from simple Wikipedia. Hope it helps. :)

BTW, are kids this young allowed on lichess?
@Human77 said in #40:
Didn't you tell us to grow up? Why not take part in a productive argument instead of actiong "childish"
I am not going to tell you to grow up, I will just tell you to rethink your attitude
@CadyRocks said in #44:
> I didn't know I was talking to a child, I'm sorry. I'll try to use more small words next time. Here:
funny. Thank you for being more concise. I did understand the first time though, but saw no point in continuing the argument and pointing out factual errors. You will have to find them yourself.
In my opinion what you wrote were very childish, regardless of the impressive amount of words you wrote.

> Israel helped Hamas. They don't want people in Gaza to pick who is in charge. They want the people in charge of Gaza to be "bad people" so that they can treat all of Gaza like bad people.
I know about Israel helping Hamas. That is your interpretation of it. Thank you.
Maybe it might be considered a mistake to have helped Hamas.

> Words are from simple Wikipedia. Hope it helps. :)
Yes it makes it simpler to reply to this. Thank you so much, since it seems important to you to get a clear answer.
> BTW, are kids this young allowed on lichess?
I don't take that personally. I consider it a joke with an impricit mocking. Grow up!
@Human77 said in #47:
> funny. Thank you for being more concise. I did understand the first time though, but saw no point in continuing the argument and pointing out factual errors. You will have to find them yourself.
> In my opinion what you wrote were very childish, regardless of the impressive amount of words you wrote.
> I know about Israel helping Hamas. That is your interpretation of it. Thank you.
> Maybe it might be considered a mistake to have helped Hamas.
> Yes it makes it simpler to reply to this. Thank you so much, since it seems important to you to get a clear answer.
> I don't take that personally. I consider it a joke with an impricit mocking. Grow up!
Then why did you reply with that "bla bla bla"? You sounded (and maybe are) childish if you really didn't care about what others say.
@WassimBerbar said in #48:
> Then why did you reply with that "bla bla bla"?
Because I felt like it.

>You sounded (and maybe are) childish if you really didn't care about what others say.
Yeah. We are all children deep inside. :)
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