
open zst file

I have a big problem ! I tryed to download the october lichess games form the database. This file is named as "lichess_db_standard_rated_2022-10.pgn.zst"

I can't extract this archive file. On the is recommended the 7zip program. This program can't extract tihis file. Someone told me only from Python is possible to extract this file. Anybody can help me what should i do with it ??

If you do a search for "7zip-zstd", you'll find a fork on GitHub that'll work
The compression used for database dumps has recently been changed to zstd because it can be decompressed much faster. It looks like the information for Windows hasn't been adjusted yet, as ItsGame3Tynme noted, 7zip-zstd is a version of 7zip that can decompress this, though any tool that supports zstd will work.

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