
Harry Potter or Nancy Drew ?

@ george_mcgeorge said in #20:
> Indeed. "My precious!"
Disgusting little creature...

Harrison Ford (Han Solo)
@ WassimBerbar said in #21:
> Disgusting little creature...
> Harrison Ford (Han Solo)
Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)
@ george_mcgeorge said in #22:
> Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)
John Wick (Keanu Reeves)
@ george_mcgeorge said in #24:
> Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves)
Neo (Keanu Reeves)
@NoorHussain said in #1:
> and now for harry potter. the 6th book ending is very sad

Am I the only one that thinks that Dumbledore deserved to die. He is a mad man who manipulated everyone around him "for the greater good". WHO TF IS HE TO DECIDE WHETHER HARRY SHOULD DIE OR NOT. WHO GAVE HIM THAT POWER. As much as I dislike Snape, I agree with his statement that Dumbledore raised a pig for slaughter. For 17 years, 17 whole f*cking years, he raised a boy just so he can be killed. And for that one person who's going to say "Dumbledore knew that Voldemort would not be able to kill Harry," I hate to break it to you, he didn't. The only reason Harry lived is because Voldemort used Harry's blood for his resurrections, which happened when Harry was 14 years. Dumbledore kept harry alive for 14 years so that he can eventually die before something happened that would change the conclusion. But the point remains, Dumbledore had know way of being certain that Harry would live. Granted he did it all for a good cause, but doing the wrong thing for the right cause does NOT make you a hero.
this is a matter of opinion, but what you said does make sense. but looking at it from a "book" point if view, Harrry would never die. if you think about it, the story would not really sell other wise. it is very clear from the end of book 2 that harry wont die.
@ChocolateBall99 said in #28:
> this is a matter of opinion, but what you said does make sense. but looking at it from a "book" point if view, Harrry would never die. if you think about it, the story would not really sell other wise. it is very clear from the end of book 2 that harry wont die.
Nothing in the second book suggests that Harry would not die. Harry would have died in the seventh book had Voldemort not used his blood. Even if we use you arbitrary 2nd year timeline, that is still 12 years Harry was raised for slaughter.

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