
Is day light savings good?

It ruins my sleep and now all the tournaments are one hour late for me :(
It just pisses me off that it's lighter than usual, meaning the sun is out more, meaning my skin feels like it's burning (I don't like sunlight except for camera quality)
One day they're going to release all of the saved up day light at once when it's really cold out.. 115 degrees in the middle of January baby!
If they keep messing with the time, it may mess up the space time continuum and destroy us all ! - :]
@salmon_rushdie said in #4:
> One day they're going to release all of the saved up day light at once when it's really cold out.. 115 degrees in the middle of January baby!
@rUCHIjainsharMA_1984 said in #3:
> never understood it

It was made along time back for farmers
It was a time when everyone was a farmer and it was made so that they could get an extra hour of sunlight

Nowadays, there arent as many farmers and any farmers could just like wake up an hour early
@Skittle-Head said in #5:
> If they keep messing with the time, it may mess up the space time continuum and destroy us all ! - :]

It wont mess up the space, it will only mess us as we have an internal clock. It ruins our sleep cycle and results us in going late to bed which is not good for us or anyone
@Arjan_chess2 said in #8:
> It wont mess up the space, it will only mess us as we have an internal clock. It ruins our sleep cycle and results us in going late to bed which is not good for us or anyone

My #5 comment was an attempt at humor... I worked rotating shift work for decades, (Jet lag on a continuous basis) I just can't understand how people are so messed up, by the change of a single hour, but apparently, they are - :]

Here's a good Wiki article about DST. - -

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