
Does Lichess App work on a TABLET?

I am planning to get the new tablet (Realme PAD) and I would like to know if the app works just fine in a
standard Tablet PC?

I have a Sony Tablet which I bought in 2013 and it was running on the older version of Android and I could only use browser for Lichess and it was awkward to play in it.
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@TheKingClash said in #3:
> It works fine, but only if you use pixel or fantasy piece set. On my tablet most piece sets don't show up properly. It has been like this for three weeks now. If I use the CBurnett style pieces, all I can see are dots on top of the bishops, a square in place of the rooks, five dots in place of the black queen and a cross in place of the black king.

Was it due to the recent update, or has it always been like this? Were you comfortable with those piece sets?
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