
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

@zvik said in #34:
> I agree with every word
> It is clear that in war there is nothing to be done and unfortunately everyone is killed innocently, but there is nothing to be done and against terrorists one must fight in every way possible
This twisted logic can be used backward too, terrorism by definition is harm or cause terror among civilians to achieve political goals
And this is exactly what wasrael is doing
According to you, to get ride of wasreal terrorists 5amas should be able to do anything?
I do indeed note that difference, @Al-Ghoul. Killing civilians deliberately and killing them as the unfortunate, accidental result of collateral damage when trying to take down their leaders and military are two different things.

Are you saying that Isarel is trying to kill civilians on purpose? Israel held off for weeks, and gave warnings, before beginning to attack in Gaza. Indeed, they were criticized for waiting so long to retaliate. Remember? And I suspect that if Israel were really trying to kill civilians, there would be many more dead, even though the war has been ugly and sad, and I sincerely mourn the losses on both sides.

Who gave the Israeli women and children any warning on October 7? What military purpose was served to deliberately kill young people at a music festival? Anything to say about that? Was such a cruel attack in any way helpful?

So many people insist on believing what they prefer to believe. They get around others who tell them they are right, and pretty soon there's no real reflection going on, just a lot of shouting. There's no point in arguing, I guess. It changes nothing. I'm going to quit replying. No minds are likely to be changed anyway.

But the kids who were murdered on October 7 were just kids. At a music festival. With no military purpose or significance. If that hadn't happened there'd be no conflict right now. Just the start of a pleasant summer. Does anybody really think otherwise?

How many more attacks of that nature must Israel endure before making sure that those who plan and organize such attacks cannot be in power? Any thoughts? Has that yet been guaranteed? Any realistic, nonmilitary ways to prevent the repetition of such attacks? Really? How?
@Noflaps said in #42:
> Are you saying that Isarel is trying to kill civilians on purpose? Israel held off for weeks, and gave warnings, before beginning to attack in Gaza. Indeed, they were criticized for waiting so long to retaliate. Remember? And I suspect that if Israel were really trying to kill civilians, there would be many more dead, even though the war has been ugly and sad, and I sincerely mourn the losses on both sides.
It's not only me who is saying Israel is killing civilians on purpose; It's everyone who says Israel is killing civilians on purpose.
Gaza is being bombed to death while civilians are still there. And I've seen with my eyes people with limbs missing.
This is unjustifiable no matter how many times the word "Hamas" gets used. This cannot be a retaliatory attack to Oct. 7th; Come on, if you really want to target Hamas, you do an organised military operation to take down Hamas and then let Gaza alone. You do not bombard an entire city and write the name of pro-Palestinian people on the rockets you're about to send.

> But the kids who were murdered on October 7 were just kids. At a music festival. With no military purpose or significance. If that hadn't happened there'd be no conflict right now. Just the start of a pleasant summer. Does anybody really think otherwise?
Why does anyone I've faced a discussion with so far always bring up the massacre in the music festival when it's about Israel/Palestine?!?
Why no one here speaks about Oct. 6th? Or Oct. 5th? Or the 1948 نكبة Nakba? Or the entire 76 years period of oppression from zionist forces motivated by zionism and anti-Arab racism?

> How many more attacks of that nature must Israel endure before making sure that those who plan and organize such attacks cannot be in power? Any thoughts? Has that yet been guaranteed? Any realistic, nonmilitary ways to prevent the repetition of such attacks? Really? How?
You go and take down Hamas inside the city, instead of bombing them.
You go and organise forces in order to eliminate those who plan and organise such attacks directly, face to face.
And that's it. Problem solved for you.
Oh. Just walk in and take down Hamas inside the city? Sure. You volunteering?
How many more Jews have to die? The deaths of October 7 weren't enough? By the way, that's still a "military solution." Just a dumb one.

Oh, sorry. Many don't want to mention that date. For obvious reasons. Let's not talk about October 7, right?

I remember now, I wasn't going to answer. It's hard not to, when confronted with attempts to avoid focusing on the date.

What does "from the river to the sea mean," do you think? I don't think it sounds like an attempt to get along. Do you? Or is "getting along" always somebody else's job?
@Noflaps said in #44:
> Oh. Just walk in and take down Hamas inside the city? Sure. You volunteering?
Don't you hate Hamas? Why did you ask for a solution if you're telling me to do it?
Your role in the story is to fight for YOUR side. Why would I support the real terrorists into taking down "terrorists"?
> How many Jews have to die? The deaths of October 7 weren't enough?
No, the *innocent* deaths on Oct. 7th are enough. We don't want more civilian blood rivers in Palestine.
> Oh, sorry. Many don't want to mention that date. For obvious reasons.
Yeah. For obvious reasons.

We don't want to mention that date over and over because we're not interested in discussing one single day over and over. We mourned that day, it's done. We don't need to be reminded it happened.

It's like the little kid who always brings up the wound in the perpetrated by his big brother whenever the big brother fights back the younger one from constant bites by the younger brother.

> What does "from the river to the sea mean," do you think? I don't think it sounds an attempt to get along. Do you? Or is "getting along" always somebody else's job?
"from the river to the sea" mean Palestine. Palestine will be free [from zionist oppression].
It doesn't mean to kill all Jews like some propagandists try to portray. It means to take down the IDF terrorists.
You are suggesting that OTHERS just take down Hamas inside the city. Do you have any idea how many more Jewish lives that would cost? Is that consequential?

You think October 7 was like a spat between brothers? Really? Do you know what actually happened?

But you mourn it, eh? Great. I should have guessed that from your other rhetoric.
@Noflaps said in #46:
> You think October 7 was like a spat between brothers? Really? Do you know what actually happened?
-_- You haven't read the articles, did you?
@Noflaps said in #46:
> You are suggesting that OTHERS just take down Hamas inside the city. Do you have any idea how many more Jewish lives that would cost? Is that consequential?
Yes. I'm suggesting your side, with whom you are, your allies, take down Hamas inside the city.
Come on, with Merkava tanks at 3.5 million $ and 50000 $ for each missile of the Iron Dome, it's feasible. And you seem to forget they're soldiers.
Too many Jews already died on October 7. Unnecessarily. There didn't need to be ANY attack on October 7. But there was. A vicious, brutal ATTACK. No matter how many ways people try to spin it to avoid facing the reality of it.

Attacks start wars. Do you realize that? And it's not the job of those who are attacked to respond foolishly, in a way that leads to giving up as many of their own lives as possible. I guess they don't teach that on some campuses. What a surprise.

You write " We mourned that day, it's done. We don't need to be reminded it happened."

Who is we? Are you a family member of the dead? There are many of those. I suspect those family members won't want to be told they've mourned enough. They may mourn for the rest of their lives. Do you understand that? Nobody should tell the family of murder victims to move on and stop mourning.
Why are people discussing this topic? There are so many other important things going in the world right now such as The Best Beauty Looks From The Red Carpet In Cannes. See Let's get our priorities straight. Fashion first, war crimes last.

P.S. Here is my pick for best dress seen at the Cannes Film Festival:

What do you think? Professional or frumpy? You tell me.

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