

"You have lost a couple games after a few moves. Please note that you MUST try to win every rated game.
Losing rated games on purpose is called "sandbagging", and is not allowed on Lichess.
Thank you for your understanding."

Please watch the stream I hosted!
The tournament started at 2: 25: 25
Your algorithms did not allow me to make a move - the clock did not appear and there was no way to hook a pawn with the mouse. Several times I managed to re-enter the tournament, but in the end, under the laughter of the participants, I was thrown out of the tournament for good. Thank you very much.
@R_Ov , I didn't watch everything, but I did notice that all the games where you were unable to play your pawn moves, were when you were black. You would get a white game, and play it fine, but sometimes, as black, the issue would come up.
I am sorry but I do not know the solution to your problem.
Offtop: Вы вылитый боцман Рома из мультфильма про попугая Кешу :) . Подал заявку на вступление в Ваш клуб.
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