
How to disappear?

Hypothetically speaking, if one was to change their identity and disappear forever, how could they ensure that they would never be found again?
1. Delete all their social media posts and works.
2. Remove any written evidence of them.
3. Destroy things they had.
4. Wait for everyone that remembers them to perish.
Crap, I misread the directions. I thought you meant how to remove someone from history.
@EvenLowerELO said in #5:
> @R00KB4 is that how you make someone else disappear? Asking for a friend...
That's how to make sure no one even knows you existed.
well I think this is the only realistic way of diapering. build an under round world that no one knows about
@EvenLowerELO said in #1:
> Hypothetically speaking, if one was to change their identity and disappear forever, how could they ensure that they would never be found again?
A good lawyer who u can trust

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