
is water wet or does water make things wet


Things can also be wet without water. For example (despite the name) clothes undergoing dry cleaning.

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

Wet \Wet\ (w[e^]t), a. [Compar. {Wetter}; superl. {Wettest}.]
[OE. wet, weet, AS. w[=ae]t; akin to OFries. w[=e]t, Icel.
v[=a]tr, Sw. v[*a]t, Dan. vaad, and E. water. [root]137. See
[1913 Webster]
1. Containing, or consisting of, water or other liquid;
moist; soaked with a liquid; having water or other liquid
upon the surface; as, wet land; a wet cloth; a wet table.
"Wet cheeks." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
water isn't wet it just makes things wet example if u pour water on a table the table is wet but if u pour water in a glass of water it's just more water
Water makes things wet. So a bucket of water gets itself wet. But a single water molecule is not wet. You are highly unlikely to find a single water molecule, so it would generally be safe to say that water is wet.
@AliceQiao said in #3:
> how can you prove its both

Let us consider water in its liquid state. In any other state, it is not wet. Let's also clarify that "water makes things wet" means "water *can* make things wet" not that "water always makes everything wet."

1. Anything that contains or consists of water or another liquid is wet by the definition of wet (see #2).
2. Water consists of water since anything consists of itself.
3. By 1. and 2., water is wet.
4. Let X be some dry (i.e., not wet) thing.
5. Putting water on X causes X to contain water (at least temporarily), since if you put anything on something else, it well then contain that first thing at least in that instant.
6. If X contains water, X is wet by the definition of wet.
7. X is dry (4.) and putting water on X causes water to be wet (5. and 6.).
8. Since water caused X to become wet, water can cause at least one thing to become wet.
9. By 3. and 8., water is both wet and can cause something to become wet.
Both. Water makes things wet, but water is composed of water, which makes it wet in itself.
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