
A suggestion on the possibility of re-requesting computer analysis

The accuracy of a computer analysis requested varies over the number of processors and capacity of memory used in analysing the game. Once a player has requested an analysis, no other player can re-request one. I consider this a problem, as the community deserves the best analysis available. Therefore I would suggest that whenever the analysis requested is made with less than optimal hardware, there would be given a chance to re-request an analysis. The analysis that would be available would therefore be the one that is the most accurate within the reach of the engines used in Lichess. I hope the Lichess staff would take a note on these considerations.
@NotesFromTheMadhouse said in #1:

The funny thing is computer analysis of a game is done on the fishnet servers
so rerunning it wont change much as the server goes to a certain amount of nodes and the goes to the next move
so why did you ban my previous nickname if I never used the chess program??
Chess has been my hobby for 40 years, I have the CM title and I play fair.
Why ?
@Over50fast said in #3:
> so why did you ban my previous nickname if I never used the chess program??
> Chess has been my hobby for 40 years, I have the CM title and I play fair.
> Why ?

I bet that bufferunderwear person did it.
<Comment deleted by user>

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