
Why did white resing ?

It's a possibility of course just not likely in my opinion. Seems too easy to convert to a win for black. I'm no expert though.
That rook doesnt need to leave the back rank as far as I can tell. As long as it's around I don't see how back rank issues are going to arise. I looked at the analysis and it gives black an 11.4 advantage. Its suggesting white play Qe1 giving up another pawn with check as the best option. If that isn't a damning evaluation I don't know what is.
I'm guessing this was an otb and you were black then. I try to factor material, piece activity, king safety, pawn structure and other elements when judging a position. I found the analysis feature on this site helped alot. I looked at the evaluation and then tried to work out what elements in the position justified the evaluation and use that mindset in future games.
@general-_-Advance it was a classical game played on this website today

What are the elements of a position and then how do I evaluate and position without knowing number before that?
At your level, the first thing to evaluate would be material. In this case, Black is up a rook and a pawn. After that, you should focus on king safety - e.g., is he safely behind pawns but not in immediate danger on the back rank? After that you should note how active your pieces are, which can be measured by how many squares they control. At this point it is time to begin calculating. Start with checks and captures and move to less forcing moves.
In this game, Black would take a few pawns with check using his queen. Then he would probably play h6 to ensure he doesn't get back-rank mated. After that, the rook and queen will finish off the white king, or Black could play safe and trade queens. He will then pick off the pawns and checkmate quickly. Black is never in danger, and after h6 it's impossible for him to get checkmated (unless Black decides to commit suicide).
If White plays Kg2 - which is the only move to save both pawns - Black will play Ra6 and Rg6+ followed by Re6, when White must lose a pawn or get mated.

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