
The laddy wha lived


If you really try I bet you can make complete sense of it ;)

I mean, who doesn't get what they mean by a muckle, beefy-boukit man with a wee stumpie craigie, & a gey muckle mowser.
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Whit a load o’ Scunner frae ra Doric telt frae a sassenach tryin’ tae be unco’ funny...ochone!! The O.P’s maw coughed a lune wi’ nae sense. A wid pagger his yak if he brocht his moan mort roon’ aboot oor wiys. Awa’ ‘n bile yer heid, ya daft numpty!
my dear friend, alcohol and death mean the same thing to you !

I guess that whisky is an endemic problem among writers.

Cheers, maybe with a tea i will understand this, lol.
@HiramHolliday said in #5:
> Whit a load o’ Scunner frae ra Doric telt frae a sassenach tryin’ tae be unco’ funny...ochone!! The O.P’s maw coughed a lune wi’ nae sense. A wid pagger his yak if he brocht his moan mort roon’ aboot oor wiys. Awa’ ‘n bile yer heid, ya daft numpty!
Yer lack o' tact insae lost oan me sur, fur amurnay th' author - yit ah fail tae see yer issue wi' this stoatin novella

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