
A bug in number of games

<Comment deleted by user>
In your history I can see 3 unrated rapid games (10+0) 11 hours ago and 1 rated (10+15) 10 hours ago. (I'm not so sure about calling 10+0 rapid but that's how lichess defines it.)
Whoops... Accident.
If you check my activity on the 26th of May, you can see I played 4 rapid games. But... I played only 1 (you can see it).
And also, Lichess shows 1544 rating in the "rating bar", but it shows 1529 rating in my activity. The "activity bar" thinks I somehow lost 15 points, but THERE IS NO BLITZ RATING LOSS TODAY!
@mkubecek said in #2:
> In your history I can see 3 unrated rapid games (10+0) 11 hours ago and 1 rated (10+15) 10 hours ago. (I'm not so sure about calling 10+0 rapid but that's how lichess defines it.)
Oh... I'm blind. I will ask a new question, but without the 1 part
As for the "1529" blitz rating, that's probably a known issue: in your first game in a tournament, the rating at the moment you joined the tournament is shown rather than the rating at the start of the game. It should be OK when you start another game. Also the left column shows 1544 rating for blitz.
@mkubecek said in #5:
> As for the "1529" blitz rating, that's probably a known issue: in your first game in a tournament, the rating at the moment you joined the tournament is shown rather than the rating at the start of the game. It should be OK when you start another game. Also the left column shows 1544 rating for blitz.
There is a one single problem:
1. The tournament today was rapid.
2. If you are talking about yesterday tournament, the rating at the start was 1523.

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