
Search filter by opening ever going to return?

This feature used to exist on Lichess in the games search filter under "advanced search" and was great but was removed over a year ago. It was removed when the "chess insights" feature was added. It really should be added back again as the "chess insights" filter doesn't show you all your same openings concisely like the old filter did. I still miss that feature.

I just want to see the same openings I am playing and where I am going wrong or right in those same openings? I know it's in there please bring it back!!!
you must refer to it as standard openings. Do not make the assumption all openings are standard
Thanks @Jacob531
I realized that after I posted the topic it was in wrong place but I was trying to analyze my games before posting so my mistake! Even though it kind of does link to a feature that would help a person analyze their games, but you are right should be in feedback.

This feature already existed at one time and worked very well. And yes not every opening has an exact name but at least you are narrowing down a search of similar played openings that come up in a nice list which was taken away and now can't be done on this site.

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