
Ask Lichess Anything

Using Lichess API, is it possible to use your cheater-detecting mechanism?
Please add feature: LICHESS PUZZLE TOURNAMENT that we can setting date+time etc... Thank You.
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Not sure if this will get buried...

Does Lichess have a business continuity or succession plan in place in the event that Thibault or others decide they want to go on to do something else?

Thank you!
@Lichess said in #1:
> We'll be doing another "Ask me Anything" live stream on YouTube and Twitch roughly 20 hours after this post. Please leave any questions you have about Lichess in this thread and we'll try to answer as many as we can.

hello which is the best opneing for black for tournments?
can you ban someone if he /she has won/lost a lot of games in a row

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